

先引用Bram Stoker(《Dracula》的作者)的话 “When I was a child, we had a large garden in which my mother grew delicious fruits and sweet-smelling flowers. Then one dark night there was a terrible storm and the next morning our garden was no more; only the bare earth remained, with here and there an uprooted tree. The shock of this disaster threw me into such a state of nervous exhaustion that for many days I could do nothing but lie on my bed like an old woman, and wonder how I should ever find another place to grow so delightful a crop as fruit trees” (1897) 翻译一下就是说,我们小时候(大概作者六七岁的时候,1847年)有一片美丽的花园,我们的母亲在地里种满了好吃的水果和芬芳的花朵。然而一个暴风雨夜的噩梦让这一切都化为乌有,只剩下一片贫瘠的土地以及几棵被连根拔起的树。这种痛苦的经历给Brankin Stoker留下了严重的心理创伤以至于很长时间他都像个大姑娘一样成天躺在床上哀叹自己的命运(真是一段中二的童年往事啊)。

后来在他成名之后(《Dracula》出版于1897年),为了补偿童年的不幸,他在罗马尼亚买了一座城堡和一个庄园打算在那里养鸟养鱼过田园生活…… 好了说回正题,什么吐司最好吃呢?我觉得是英式烤面包(Cheese Toastie)!烤得酥脆而又金黄的松饼搭配上新鲜的奶酪、沙拉、果酱等食材,再配上一杯浓汤或是牛奶,哇哦~这样的早餐简直是完美! 所以我要说的吐司就是——烤面包(Toast/Toasted Bread)或者松饼(Pancake)还有燕麦粥(Oatmeal)等等… 反正就是要多粗粮!要粗犷!要营养全面! 要够简单粗暴才能满足我大胃王的胃口呀~
