

1、国际足联没钱了 (一)FIFA负债4.7亿美元,仅比债务最高峰下降8% FIFAs latest financial report shows the governing body is still in debt, with liabilities totalling $US532 million as of June 30 last year – just under eight per cent less than at its worst point in February 2004. FIFA’s debts have dropped from a peak of around $US6 billion during the 2010 World Cup bidding process, when it handed out massive grants to competing nations and spent lavishly on infrastructure projects ahead of the tournament in South Africa. It was revealed earlier this week that some countries who received support during that time are now refusing to pay back what they owe, including Angola 和 Nigeria. The two African sides were among seven nations who were given more than $100 million in subsidies ahead of the 2010 vote. At the same time, there have been no further details released about how much remains outstanding for the three other nations which took part in the bidding but have not provided repayment schedules: Iran, Qatar and Thailand.

(二)会员协会拖欠分成款项 FIFA member associations collectively owed an estimated $US49 million by September 2015, according to the most recent version of their accounts available online through Transparency International-Germany. That figure has reportedly grown since then based on new figures made public on Wednesday by FIFA’s Audit and Compliance Committee, although the full extent remains unclear due to a lack of detail on exactly which national federations fall behind on payments. The biggest delinquent appears to be Mexico ($US12.8 million) followed closely by Spain($9.4 million)——two major powers within European football——and France($8.7million) among others. In addition, the committee found multiple instances where FIFA had paid money directly to members associations without them first paying into the global association’s coffers. A total of US$41 million was allegedly transferred in such a way between July last year and March of this year alone. “The Committee believes this practice should stop immediately because it increases rather than reduces financial risks,” it said in a statement.


我看了一些回答,都是瞎扯淡 首先就是人口基数大,球迷多 我就问你中国球迷有多少 因为足球世界杯的普及性不是很高吗,而且亚洲的人口基数本来就小!所以我觉得扩增到150支球队是合理的吧 第二就是增加非洲国家队的比赛时间 这次卡塔尔世界杯没有把南美和欧洲的比赛一起放 (南美加北美一共48队) 但是如果以后在非洲举行的话,可以把他们放在一起啊 第三就是美国墨西哥加拿大三国组队参赛这个想法不错 但问题是这三国组队那不就是北美嘛 这不就证明了国际足联想把南美的国家队也放进来 所以才会这样啊
