

在视频处看到有字幕,为“KENNEDY TO CHINESE PEOPLE: ....(省略号部分为辱骂)” 所以这位答主已经贴出了中文翻译,这里就省去了。不过我好奇的是,这位黑人球星口中喷出的这句名言究竟是怎么写的呢? “Fucking Chinese. I can't wait to f*cking see you guys again next year, when World Cup '14 rolls around.” 嗯。我觉得这句话翻译过来大概可以这样: 中国狗! 我等不到明年世界杯的时候再日你们一次了。

哦对了,还有这个画面。 这个视频里,该记者还采访了一个看台上的华人球迷,而此人说出的话却令人生厌之至: “I am really happy about our win, and the way we won. We got a penalty and then we scored another goal and that made it very easy for us so we took advantage of them and that is what football is all about. You have got to attack your opponent whenever you get the opportunity in football; that is what makes winning and drawing an enjoyable sport to watch. ” 啊,我真是爱死这支队伍了!他们踢足球的方式简直太棒了!我们得到了一个点球,然后进了第二个球,就这么简单,所以我们抓住了机会,这就是足球。当你得到一个点球的机会时,你就应该进攻你的对手,这就是让我沉迷其中不能自拔的原因所在。足球本该如此,胜利与平局都应该让人看得很过瘾。
