坐过四趟,最长四小时三十分钟,最短三小时五十分钟 一般是在成都新南门和石羊场车站坐车 最早的一班是6点30分,最晚有一班18点(2017年4月) 因为我住在成雅高速出口附近,所以一般选择坐早班车,这样能赶上第一天的上班时间 你好! 坐过四趟, longest four hours and thirty minutes, shortest three hours and fifty minutes Usually in Chengdu new southern door and shi yangchang bus station The earliest one is at six o'clock the latest has a class of 18 (April 2017) Because I live near the exit of ChenYa highway, so usually take early buses to make sure we can catch work on time. 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。